Cedar Shakes

We’ve got shakes! Cedar shakes. These were one of the “must have” items for The Artist when we started designing this place.

They’re really awesome, even though they can be tricky to install. If you use the wrong kind of nails or even nail gun, you can split them as you go. But the benefits of shakes are pretty awesome. If you use cedar, it’s kind of like having self-treated wood. It has lots of protective qualities without all the chemicals treated woods can have. And it smells awesome. That’s enough for me!


We’re really pleased with the shakes, though, and I think they give the place a homey feel. Since our roof is curved, The Artist used a turkey roaster to steam bend the shakes. They had to be done in small batches which required a lot of patience. (And is precisely why The Artist took on that project and not me.) But the result is so lovely and I can just picture our little sheepwagon parked in the woods somewhere, looking awesome. I’ll post some updated photos when the roof is complete.

We’re very close to being weatherproof now, too. Just a few more steps and we’ll be in business!

#shakeitoff #cedarking #thatsmelltho

One comment

  1. Liz · November 1, 2015

    Yaaaayyyy!!! Congrats!


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