Mama Chai

We’ve really fully embraced hygge this year and I’ve been drinking a lot of my mom’s world famous Chai. This is actually a recipe from a family friend, but we’ve fully incorporated it into our lives. Here’s the recipe for…

Mama Chai

1c. powdered milk
1 c. coffee mate original
2 c. French Vanilla coffee mate
2 1/2 c. sugar
1 1/2 c. unsweetened instan t tea
2 t ginger
2 t cinnamon
1 t cloves
1 t nutmeg
pinch cardomam
Blend it all together in a food processor or blender until it’s a fine powder. It’s similar to hot chocolate mix in coarseness, and the amount you’ll want to add to your hot water. This is love in a mug. Enjoy!
mama chai.png

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