Yurt Review

Unofficially, The Artist and I have been trying out a lot of small spaces. We’re living in a 180 square foot cabin for the winter, which has been a great way to ease into tiny living and make sure our ultimate design works well for us. We also stayed in a yurt a few weeks ago, and here’s the review…

The yurt was made by the Colorado Yurt Company. Their style of construction uses a very simple wooden lattice grid and vinyl roofing and sides. They are free-standing yurts, so they don’t have a foundation, and they stand using tension/compression. I watched a construction video on their website and it really is a fascinating process, even just in a video. The yurts are really attractive, especially from the inside, and they feel very cozy.

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The yurt we stayed in was fully insulated, but it still took several hours to warm it to a comfortable temperature using the wood burning stove. The smell of wood burning stoves is literally one of my favorite scents in the world and we’ve thought about installing one in our tiny house; after staying in the yurt, our hunch that we might want a second heating option was confirmed. We’ve found some beautiful little antique wood burners for sale and may still use one, but it will be our backup heat source if we choose to go that route.

Some yurts have separate rooms, or even lofts. We stayed in a yurt with an open floor plan: no kitchen, no bathroom, no frills. But the circular setup and lack of interior walls made the space feel very airy and open. The skylight flooded the yurt with natural light, too. With the wood burning stove, table, three chairs and a bench, the yurt slept seven people comfortably (at least spatially, if not socially).

All around, it was a beautiful weekend in a cozy space and we loved every minute of it.

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